A very creative title isn't, I know right? it took all of about 0.01 seconds to think of it, any way besides that randomness, I wanted to make this blog post about one of my other favorite past times if you will? Well that would be reading, I'm a self proclaimed book worm, book addicted, bad a the wallet. Thankfully my mother has many, many books so it's not quite (that) bad but still. An author I've come to like over the last two-ish years is Sarah Dessen, but my two favorites are: Stephen King and James Patterson, their both known for mystery. One of my favorites from James Patterson is "Sunday's at Tiffany's" this one was completely different from any of his other's I've read before, and much enjoyed. Stephen King's newest book (that I've aware that is) "Under the Dome is a thick monster at 1000+ pages and have yet to finish it, this summer when school isn't my life the monster will be read, from what I have read 40ish pages I like.
Tell me what your favorite book(s) are?
Have a great weekend.

DISCLAIMER: none of the images in this post ARE mine.