It's that time of year when we're either watching re-runs of House or CSI: Miami to take care of summer boredom, until new fall seasons start. But why wait when there are countless summer series to watch? Just like anyone I like my reruns (Gilmore Girl's on SoapNet?) still sad that it ended over three years ago, how time flys. These are just a couple of my summer guilty television pleasures.
There really is only so much to say about two of the Kradashian sister's, in Kourtney and Khloe take Miami. There is just about a no hold bar with these two. I can only say but to take the 30 minutes to watch these two, you can't not but like them and the show if you watch Keeping up the the Kardashian's. Sunday's on E! 10/9c.

Unless you've been living under a rock since 2008 you probably have heard of, watched, or watch True Blood. Many people that have watched the last two seasons will say season two was the better out of the two.....but in my opinion it was far from better than the first. Possibly too many orgies for me, or how much Sookie's' character changed from one to another. Still have yet to watch the first two episode's, but they are are my DVR waiting to be watched. Maybe that is what I'll do after this post?
9/8c Sundays on HBO.
Photo post coming the the next few days. Thanks for reading.